Farhana & Fadzli's - The Reception

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Majestic and Magical Wedding Reception
I love the fresh white roses with fresh hanging ivy.
over 3000 roses were used only for the pelamin

Door gifts for every guests on the reception night. Each event has a different gift sets.
Estimated over 2000 gifts were distributed during the entire event.

Food was great! so many different kind, but so little time!

We need to jump start the guest. Its the best part of any event.

Sahira and me busy entertaining the guests.

Redwan, Sahira, Zainal & Aizat AF

Kimi Kenanga Bahiki ..............

Cake cutting ceremony

Aizat AF performing during the cake cutting

The proud father, Mohd Bayzuie HARS

The Wedding Cake

Dr. Patrick Ang entertaining guests during dinner. Splendid performance!

Food presentation by the caterer in Portuguese style

setting up the high table with fresh white roses and ivy was my biggest
challenge. I had to turn around the hall and create different set-up with
different flowers for different occasion.

Djeremie, Red, Sahira & Aizat AF

Haraini, Ismael, Nabila & Nuraliza

making themselves comfortable

Beautiful couple

Time for the bride to have fun and enjoy the last event

Miss Fine (Nur'ain Dzulquornain)
She must be wondering why she have
sleep at this hour!

Kirana, Usop, Aizat AF, Noor & Sharon Nabila on the dance floor

Ratna, Hayfaa & Kimi

Its party time for Kirana and me!!!

I am trying my move!

The girls and me......


Farhana & Fadzli's - Majlis Persandingan

Hajjah Farhana Haji Mohd Bayzuie
Fadzli Haji Deli

Sharifah Sahira was the official Master of Ceremony on the Majlis Persandingan.
Entertaining the guest while waiting for the bridegroom to enter the ballroom.
Prizes were given to lucky guests beside 600 door gifts distributed.

Tarian Kuda Kepang performed by a local group,
choreographed by Nafi from Kuala Lumpur

"Pusing Naga" a custom in Brunei for the groom
on his arrival at the bride house

Opening Dance Performance

Our over 500 guests

Shikin Dangdut & Aizat AF were among the artiste performing on
the Majlis Persandingan

Farhana look stunning with her wedding gown
design by Datin Sharifah Kirana of Kuala Lumpur


Farhana & Fadzli's - Majlis Berbedak


Farhana & Fadzli's - Majlis Berinai

Our second event was Majlis Berinai
(Majlis Berbedak as it is known in Brunei).
Was held on Saturday evening on the 9th of August, 2008

Hall set-up on the afternoon of the event

Table set-up for guests

Gift-aways for "Acara Berbedak" guests

Food, food, food, that is what she's thinking (mys sister in law, Noor).
On this event, food were prepared by members of the family. Chaotic but fun!

Majlis Berinai are held separately for the bride and groom.
Usually on this occasion the grand mother usher the bride to the "Pelamin"

Upon arrival, the veil is unveiled by the "Penganun" which is the grandma.

The beautiful grandmas in a traditional dress.

Cousins of Farhana leads the procession onto the "Pelamin"

Photo session again!

Female guests looking at the "Acara Berbedak"

Mother of the bride

60ft lenght, 48ft wide and 24ft height Pelamin is constructed for the occasion


Farhana & Fadzli's - Majlis Akad Nikah

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friday, 8th August, 2008

Our first event from 4 events we organized for the wedding of Farhana,
my niece in Kuala Belait, Brunei.
The Ballroom was set to accommodate 300 guests on this occasion.
Floor sitting to give it a real traditional atmosphere

"high tea" is served after the ceremony

Zainal (Event Manager) giving final briefing to the girls

All ready for the catwalk into the ballroom

"Pembawa gangsa" laying gifts from the bride

Majlis Akad Nikah

Fadzli's and family

ewah! ewah!

One for the family!!!

Photo taken right after the Majlis Akad Nikah with Djeremie, her brother.
This is call "berlulut" in Sarawak language.
Its a fashion show of many traditional clothes from around the world.

Japanese wedding attire owned by my mother, decends from her family.


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