Zulhardy & Hafiza Wedding

Saturday, May 3, 2008

On the 3rd of May, 2008 we were asked to organize a wedding in Kuching.
With logistic our main hurdle, I decided to take the challenge. After gathering my team we flew to Kuching only 3 days before the event. (I have made a few trips before to check on the venue)

I came out with an idea of having a water cascade as part of the Pelamin background.
With the assistance of my staffs, we made a beautiful glass water cascade.
The ballroom is small, but we managed somehow to squeez in 300 guests, a raised pelamin, side stage for performances, a dance floor, a raised platform for the high table and all the decorations.
Time? I dont have, 12 hrs thats all I have.

The beautiful usherettes all in black!

The VIP holding room

The groom's mother receiving guests at the foyer.

Dancers from Sarawak Cultural Village welcomes guest at the main entrance

Arrival of the bride and groom

Red roses served as the bouquet

All guests were advise on the theme colour red.

Zulhardy, forever smiling beside his wife Hafiza.

Candles were lit up just before dinner commence

Spectacular performances from Sarawak Cultural Village.
Dance from the Melanau tribes.

"heart shape balloons" decorated the chairs

The new group "Hujan" perform during dinner

"Tarian Buluh"

Zikir group from Kpg Lumba Kuda

My friend, my favorite MC, my Sahrifah Sahira.
Just give her the microphone, she will just not stop cracking jokes entertaining the audience.
So many Lucky Draws were given away on that night.

VIPs during the "Merenjis Ceremony"

The dancers

High Table Arrangement

Thanks to my hard working team:
Zainal, Asfha, Que, Aerol, Nizam, Mulok,
the boys and girls from Kpg Semariang
and Shirley from Kuching Hilton for making these event a memorable one.


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